Centre Stage, Sharing Stories

Each month in the Permission To Thrive Community we host a Centre Stage event. In this space we welcome members and guests to be in the spotlight and shine. It is a delicious opportunity to meet the wonderful women in our community, to find out more about their lives, their work and how they wish…

What Are Your Takeaways From 2020?

I love to step back at the end of each year and pull out the highlights, the events, people, and creative outlets that have made the year worth it, no matter how difficult it has been. A time to reflect…

Who Has Helped You Shape Your Life?

Yvonne Bignall’s parents were among those who left their family and homes to travel thousands of miles for opportunities abroad.

Today the successful businesswoman from Radstock, who has written a best-seller and offered training courses world-wide, credits her parents for instilling resilience and an entrepreneurial spirit.

The award-winning women’s health advocate and self-care coach said: “I think my parents were entrepreneurial as they left the life they knew behind and were driven to succeed abroad.

Who Wants To Be A Mythomaniac?

Who Wants To Be A Mythomaniac?

Mythomaniac – A compulsion to embroider the truth, engage in exaggeration, or tell lies.

Who wants to be a mythomaniac? Err, no one I would imagine. Yet having watched the first part of the series on Netflix, I totally understood the ‘breakdown’ the central role character was experiencing. And I hate to say it but there are far too many women out there with similar ‘To-Do Lists’ forcing them to be all things to all people.

Building Your Social Capital

Social Capital: ‘Consciously and deliberately building networks that enable you to achieve your goals, fulfill your mission and make your contribution to the world.’